The NREL American-Made Challenges has just launched Round 5 of the Solar Prize contest! The AMC Solar Prize is a $3 million competition designed to energize and support U.S. solar innovation and solutions capable of addressing the tough challenges facing the solar industry. Through the Ready! Set! And Go! Contests, competitors participate to transform their ideas into reality with the support of national laboratories, energy incubators, and other resources across the country. Here at the IoT Conduit, we are a certified Gold Connector in the competition and are currently looking for teams to mentor in the upcoming Ready! Contest, as the submission deadline of October 5th is approaching! If you have a great solar idea, reach out to us and we’ll host you at our DER lab facilities and guide you through the application process. I’ll be hosting office hours to give a brief intro to the contest starting on Wednesday from 10 AM – 12 PM EST and continuing the following Wednesdays to answer any questions!
Webinar info (Wednesday 6/16):
Meeting ID: 834 5645 6101
Passcode: 612494
Find your local number:
NREL Solar Prize Round 5!

Categories: Updates